Flexo Plate Cleaning Pads

Flexo Plate Cleaning Pads

Regular price
$ 235.00
Sale price
$ 220.00
Quantity must be 1 or more

Shop rags and many disposable wipes can scratch plates or leave lint on them. 

For low-lint requirements, as with screen, halftone, or 4-color process printing plates, one time-honored way to go is using a low-lint, absorbent pad in a nylon sleeve. These pads won’t scratch plates or leave lint on them. Used with care, one pad can last a whole shift.

There are 144 pads per case. Price shown is for 1 case.

We recommend our ExcelWipe Flexo Wipe Shop Towels OR Lint Free Wipes if you ever find they are on backorder (happens from time to time) and you need something right away.